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Analytical Exposition

What Do You Think 0f Premarital sex? For me,having sex beFore MarRiaGe Is reaLLy disadvantageous. Firstly, it is againts m0st reliGioNs. ThereFore, if y0u d0 it, y0u wiLL have sinNed becAuse y0u have d0ne s0mething wr0ng. Sec0ndly, when y0u get marRieD Later,you,as well as y0ur husbAnd 0r wifE, Will be disapPointeD BecAuse SomeoNe who has n0 riGht at all has taken y0ur virgInity.
You may think y0u are safE BecAuse y0u have d0ne it with the same perSoN, Wh0 is y0ur husbAn or wifE Now. H0wever, he/she may think that if y0u are willing t0 break rules t0 have sex with him/her bef0rehand,it is p0sSible that y0u are als0 wilLing t0 sleEp with s0me0ne else? Thirdly, if y0u d0 it, y0u are at the risk of getTing sexually transmitTed diseases or STDs and an unwanteD PregNancy. These are the reas0ns why i think waiting t0 have sex until we get marRieD is reaLLy imp0rtand.

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